Packing List For Road Trip With Toddler

Packing List For Road Trip With Toddler

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Preparing to go on a long road trip can be a frenzied, hectic experience. Making a packing list of the most important things will prove invaluable and a good idea for a smooth transition from home to vacation. Not only will it take the guesswork out of exactly what you need to pack.

How to Create a Road Trip Toddler Packing List

Packing List For Road Trip With Toddler
  • Use Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program to type your checklist. Typing your list in such a program will make using it quick and easy.
  • Make column headings such as “Clothing,” “Health Care,” “Toiletries” and “Miscellaneous”; then leave enough room between columns to check off items as you pack them.
  • List every single item you can think of off the top of your head that you know you will need for your trip. Place each item in the applicable category. Exclude nothing, no matter how seemingly insignificant. And don’t forget the basics, such as your camera and medications.
  • Consider contingencies that you might need to be prepared for on your long car ride, such as weather conditions. Include appropriate items on your list to cover all contingencies.
  • Evaluate all of your necessary travel documents and include them on the list. Above all, your travel documents are the most important items to pack, so you definitely should not leave them off your list. Everything from Passports to plane tickets to cruise documents should be included, along with any other documents you need.
  • Go through your clothes, shoes, travel documents, and toiletries to double-check that you have included all necessities on your list. Then when you are packing, you need only go down your list, checking off items as you load them into your luggage.

Tips & Warnings for Your Packing List

  • Start making your list several days, if not weeks, before your trip and long drives. Allow plenty of time to revise and update your family road trip packing list with items you forgot to include the first time around.
  • If you are travelling with another person from your household, create separate category columns for each person on your checklist so that you can check off items for each individual.
  • Include money and credit cards on the list just to ensure that you don’t forget about these crucial items.
  • Look online to find sample packing lists if you need some help getting started with yours.

Preparing for your next family trip can be quite stressful when you are in charge of packing the supplies for everyone. Take the stress out of the guessing by following a travel packing list for your kiddo for your family vacation. This way, you can cover all of his entertainment, nourishment, comfort, and clothing needs safely, and not forget any of the “gotta-have or I’m going to have a meltdown” items.

Key Things to Consider on the Packing List

Packing List For Road Trip With Toddler


When travelling with a toddler, the sleeping environment should be as close as possible to the one he is used to in his room. Make sure to pack his favourite blankets, a nightlight, and a travel crib or play pen with sheets that the toddler recognizes. He will feel better when he smells something familiar at night or during naps.


Your toddler’s clothing needs will depend on your destination. Pack his clothing in a plastic bag, label it, and place it in a bigger duffle bag or suitcase to cut down on space and reduce the amount of overall luggage you must grab. He will need underwear, socks, shirts, pants, swimwear, pyjamas, athletic shoes, flip-flops, and a jacket. For a weekend trip, you need only one to three pairs of undies, socks, shirts, and pants. For a week-long trip, grab at least three to four of each change of clothes. If you have access to a washer and dryer, you don’t need to bring as many items.

The clothing that you pack for a toddler or older kids should take into consideration the daytime and nighttime temperatures of the destination. The toddler will need shirts, pants, shorts, onesies, socks, shoes or booties, bibs, and a sun hat. Make sure to include at least two outfits per day, in addition to sleepwear for nap time.

Toiletries And Other Useful Items

Usually, young kids don’t need as many toiletry items as other family members. Your child’s toothbrush and kids’ toothpaste is a must. A travel-sized kid’s shampoo and detangler should make the trip, as well as a brush or comb. If your child still needs diapers, grab enough diapers and wipes for the next road trip, plus some extras. Sunscreen and kid-friendly bug spray should be packed as road trip necessities. You may need a towel, depending on your destination. Stow a first aid kit in your vehicle, just in case.

Packing List For Road Trip With Toddler

Hygiene & First Aid Supplies

Hygiene items are some of the most important to pack for a toddler. Things to remember are wipes, rash cream, plastic bags, toddler wash, toddler oil, toddler powder, tissues, a first-aid kit with a thermometer, and any needed medications (such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen), medicine dropper, inflatable bathtub, and a nail clipper.


That little tummy of his is going to get hungry on your trip. Stash road trip snacks out of sight and grab them only when needed. Granola bars, trail mixes, pudding cups, and fruit healthy snacks can be concealed easily. Don’t forget the water bottle and toddler wipes for cleaning his hands and face. A plastic grocery store bag can be used for trash.

Miscellaneous List Of Things

A toddler will need several items for feeding, playing, and travelling to complete the departure bags. Such items to consider packing are disinfectant, favourite toys, feeding utensils, plates, bowls, bottles, bottled water, sippy cup, energy-boost and the best road trip snacks for parents, sling or front carrier, stroller and car seats. Keep in mind the transportation and atmosphere where you are travelling because some items listed may not be needed, such as their own car seat and a car seat organizer.

Travelling with a toddler Tips

Packing List For Road Trip With Toddler

Toys And Entertainment

Your kiddo will need something to occupy him while you travel. Age-appropriate travel games and kids’ books can pass the time. I-Spy, 20 Questions, and car bingo works, too. An Amazon Fire kids tablet, or electronic game console with young children’s games will keep him busy on the open road. Small children also need comfort items when they are away from home. A favourite travel pillow, toy or stuffed animal can keep your little one company during your trip. All of these items can be stored in a backpack when not in use.

Whether you are travelling by plane, train, or automobile, your toddlers are likely to need a bit of entertainment somewhere along the way. Playing cards, toys, books, and magazines are all essentials for road trip activities when packing for a vacation with kids. If you decide to bring electronic games and an iPad for your kids, you would be wise to keep them in your bag. This way you can keep their use to a minimum and keep your family interacting and bonding during most of your travel time.

Incentives Are A Good Option

Pack a few wrapped presents for your kids to use as incentives for good behaviour. They will love the mystery of guessing what is beneath the wrapping and it may be exactly what you need to turn an impending public meltdown around. Make sure that the gifts can be enjoyed while on vacation. Bubbles, stickers, small games, and candy are all terrific incentive gifts to pack for your children.

Spills And Accidents

Spills and accidents are inevitable when travelling with children and you would be wise to pack accordingly. Include dark-colour clothing choices instead of whites to mask minor stains. Pack plenty of clothes changes to get you through the entire vacation without a trip to the laundromat and your peace of mind. In addition, pack your face and hand wipe to keep your kid clean while on the move on your next trip.

Packing List For Road Trip With Toddler

Don’t Forget to Think About Your Car Seats

Whether you are riding in your vehicle or on an aeroplane, you must think about a car seat for your little passenger. The American Academy of Pediatrics and Federal Aviation Administration recommends using a car seat on the aeroplane if your child is under 40 pounds.

If your child is over 40 pounds, he may not need to be in a car seat on the aeroplane. However, you need to bring one with you and check it as an extra luggage item or arrange for a car seat to be at your destination. Car rental agencies rent these for an additional cost. The airline may or may not charge you for this extra luggage item.

Final Thoughts

Travelling with a toddler requires taking almost everything in the toddler’s room on the journey. All the immediate needs of a toddler must be met, especially when the trip is to a location where stores may not be open or may not carry what the toddler needs. To help with this tedious task, create a list and post it on the fridge or with the toddler’s diaper bag.

Check off the items after they are packed. Also, a few extras of the important toddler items — are always helpful in an emergency for a successful road trip.

Travelling with young children can be a challenge, as it requires more than packing just the basics of clothes and toiletries. Be creative when packing for vacations with children to keep them occupied during your travels and keep them motivated towards good behaviour when they are tired or cranky in public places.

Image Credit: Depositphotos

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