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Travelling is something that many people love to do. They like the idea of seeing a new place, spending quality time with loved ones, and potentially relaxing from the daily grind of life. However, it can also be a stressful experience from start to finish, am I right? This is especially noticeable if you are travelling as a large group. Be that your friends, your family and those relatives that you don’t see a lot apart from the annual trip away. It is daunting to get everyone from one point to the next, but it can be simplified and made enjoyable. Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you it is possible.
Essential tips for travelling as a large group
Travelling doesn’t need to be stressful, no matter how many people you are going with a little organisation and preparation can go a long way. With that in mind, here is everything you need to consider when travelling as a large group.

Consider the travel arrangements as early as possible
Let’s go back to the beginning. The moment when someone suggests that you go on this big travel expedition with everyone. What should you do first? The key is to organise the travel arrangements as early as possible. Many families tend to go away at the same times of the year thanks to school calendars, so a booking search for things like flights or cruises could be the best call you make. This is when looking at airline providers directly or searching online on cruise websites for speciality deals for companies like P&O Cruises could be a good call to make.
You need to think about the overall pricing of the holiday and the budget. If you find yourself being the one organising the vacation then ensure you speak to everyone directly and discuss the amount of money you want to spend. Also booking flights earlier could mean that you get to ensure that you are all sat together, which definitely could be essential if travelling with children. Of course, nothing can be booked until you decide on your destination.
Don’t make things difficult when actually travelling
Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy, especially when travelling. We expect that we will turn into strong people, prepared to carry huge suitcases on our backs and about a million hand luggage bags, sound familiar? When travelling with a large group, there will be many other things to consider, so make the luggage side of things easier. A quick look online will highlight the best lightweight luggage you can get your hands on, which means that you only then need to think about weight in terms of what you put in it.
This time, why not pack smarter? Preparing in advance the outfits you may want to wear, and being more specific with the shoes you take or the amount of swimwear you really need. You will thank yourself when walking through a busy airport or cruise terminal.

Research is key
When planning a big trip for a lot of people, research is going to be the best thing that you can do. Having had initial conversations about where you want to go and taking advantage of early bird deals and securing seats, you now have the task of figuring out what you are going to do when you get there.
This itself can be one of the most stressful aspects of the trip, as you may find that you will be catering to different tastes. Looking online will be able to highlight many different things, from the sights and experiences you can all have to the restaurants you can eat in.
You could even consider booking ahead for excursions or tables in restaurants to avoid disappointment when you get there. This can ensure that your party size can be accommodated, and often, booking early for trips and excursions can even give you a discount code. This is when a plan can be useful.
Delegate responsibility to others in the group
Finally, make sure that this whole trip isn’t solely on your shoulders. It might be worth delegating certain responsibilities to different members of the group. Perhaps one person can be in charge of the headcount, another can take charge of the airports. Maybe even delegating adults responsible for different members of the family, young or old, to ensure everyone stays safe and has fun. It certainly takes the pressure off you, meaning you can have some fun as well.
Let’s hope that these tips help you make planning and travelling as a large group more enjoyable and stress-free.