10 Things To Do In Venice, Italy

10 Things To Do In Venice, Italy

Venice is a city of elegance which is apparent in its shopping districts and its finely-dressed locals. Venice is the city you want to be in if you are looking for a romantic getaway. It is distinct in the fact that it has survived thus far without automobiles due to the fact that it was built on water. When you are touring Venice, you truly feel like you have stepped back in time as you make your way through the maze of narrow alleys and ride gondolas through the beautiful canal.

Things To Do In Venice

The Italian city of Venice ranks high on the list of the world’s most romantic destinations, and while it has its naysayers, those “nays” can be avoided so travellers can have a memorable visit.

10 Things To Do In Venice, Italy

Doge’s Palace

Doge’s Palace is not only one of the top attractions to visit in Venice, it is one of the top attractions to visit in the world. Its spectacular architecture steals from Gothic, Renaissance and Byzantine styles. Known as Palazzo Ducale by Italians, the palace was called home by the 120 doges or elected chief magistrates, of Venice who ruled for 1100 years from the late 7th century to the late 18th century. Inside you will find prisons and inside the cells, etchings made by inmates. Also make it a point to see the Armory room, the Sala dello Scudo and the Doge’s Apartments.

Piazza San Marco

Located immediately in front of the Doge’s Palace is the Piazza San Marco, which many consider to be the heart of Venice. In this ever-bustling square, you can have a cup of coffee at Caffé Florian which many Europeans consider the very first coffee house. Take an elevator up to the top of the Campanile to see spectacular views of Venice. In the middle of the square, make sure to shell out a few dollars to feed the pigeons for a great photo opportunity!

Basilica San Marco

Located in the Piazza San Marco is the Basilica San Marco in all its breathtaking splendour. It is both a symbol of power as well as the final resting place for St. Mark. Up until the 18th century, it served as the chapel for the Doges, as well as funerals and coronations. When you go in, notice the gorgeous mosaic flooring as well as the beautiful Ascension Dome which depicts the New Testament.

10 Things To Do In Venice, Italy

Peggy Guggenheim Museum

Peggy Guggenheim came from the United States to Europe in the 1920s and decided that she wanted to buy one picture a day. When she moved to Venice in the late 1940s, her vast collection moved with her. You can view the over 200 modern art pieces in the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, including works by Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock and Paul Klee.

Grand Canal

Venice’s Grand Canal, although only 1 of over 150 canals, earns its name for its sheer size. Over two and a half miles long, this canal’s banks are lined with beautiful palaces and homes. Make sure to get your cameras out when you approach the famous Rialto Bridge which was erected in 1588. If you want a drink, make your way over to Harry’s Bar, famous for one of its frequent guests, Ernest Hemingway and home of the original Bellini.


The Campanile, a 314-foot former watchtower, is also by the piazza. For a small fee, visitors can access the panoramic balcony at the top and gaze out over terra-cotta coloured roofs and across the sea.


The history, canals and architecture of Venice are what make it unique and envelop it with an air of romance. Travellers may benefit most from a visit to the city in the autumn, where prices and crowds are less, and the overall atmosphere is more comfortable than in the high season.

10 Things To Do In Venice, Italy


Gondolas and Venice go together like bread and butter. A ride on one of the long, narrow boats paddled by a gondolier can take passengers under arched bridges, and along the Grand Canal, the city’s main waterway, gliding past buildings from the Byzantine, Baroque and Renaissance periods.

Gondola rides can be romantic, but also pricey. Potential passengers can discuss a route they want to travel with the gondolier, and try to finagle a better price.

Other options for a ride on the water also exist: Vaporettos, which are equal to a bus, may sound less intimate, but they provide deckside seats. Boat rentals, complete with a brief lesson on operating the boat, are also available.

Canals And Alleyways

Travellers should consider veering away from touristy areas and exploring the canals and alleyways on foot. Such excursions can reveal delightful, picturesque sights, squares where the locals gather to talk, and cafes and restaurants where they eat. If the locals are eating at a certain establishment, the food must be good!

Bridge of Sighs

Nearby the Doges Palace is the Bridge of Sighs. The Bridge of Sighs is a covered bridge that connects the old prison with the palace. Lord Byron is reputed to have given the bridge its name, as he imagined convicts’ sighs of regret as guards led them across the bridge and to their cells.

Image Credit: Depositphotos

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